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In the reform of state-owned enterprises for one year, brave to set an example! 2019-03-14

刚刚过去的2018年是贯彻落实党的十九大精神的开局之年,也是改革开放40周年。Pay tribute to the past, create a brilliant, the opening year, a good start。This year, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council handed over a bright report card:

  State-owned assets supervision system enterprises achieved annual operating income 54.8 trillion yuan, total profit 3.4 trillion yuan。Among them, the central enterprises realized operating income 29.1 trillion yuan, total profit 1.7 trillion yuan, the highest level ever。State-owned assets and state-owned enterprises have set an example in promoting the high-quality development of our economy。

  This is an impressive achievement,It is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and local state-owned assets supervision and Administration commissions and central enterprises,Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,深入学习贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,We will resolutely implement the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and The State Council,Lead the cadres and workers of the central enterprises not to forget their original intentions and forge ahead,The result of reform and innovation and overcoming difficulties。


  2018年,国务院国资委督促各中央企业在落实国家重大战略、打好三大攻坚战等方面做了大量工作,在实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标中作出了表率;国务院国资委把自己摆进去,We will improve the regulation of state assets,Enhance the vitality of enterprises,在深化经济体制改革中作出了表率;国务院国资委全面提升中央企业2024欧洲杯投注质量,It has set an example in promoting the development of comprehensive and strict Party governance in depth。

  Do not forget the original heart, forge ahead, bravely set an example。2018年,国务院国资委推动国资国企改革发展和2024欧洲杯投注的成果可圈可点。

  Fulfill our mission and strengthen our responsibility 

  In the service of the national major strategy, to fight in the new era of the three major battle in the forefront 

  2018年6月27日上午,习近平总书记在辽阳石化公司考察时强调,国有企业地位重要、作用关键、不可替代,是党和国家的重要依靠力量。State-owned enterprises should reform and innovate, and constantly improve and develop themselves。要一以贯之坚持党对国有企业的领导,一以贯之深化国有企业改革,努力实现质量更高、效益更好、结构更优的发展。




  In September 2018, China Tourism Group announced that its domestic headquarters would move from Beijing to Haikou。


  Hit the fast forward button and paint a new picture。State-owned enterprises took the lead in 2018:






  Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge officially opened to traffic 


  Every battle will be a sword, all intent on victory。The word "dry" in state-owned enterprises in 2018:


  In this regard, a landmark event is the complete resolution of the debt crisis of China Iron and Steel。

  China Iron has been losing money for three consecutive years, there is a debt crisis。面对可能引发的连锁反应和更大危害,国务院国资委及时出手,调整了其主要负责人,安排中国诚通进行托管,并协调各利益相关方,按照市场化、法治化的原则对其进行债务重组。

  On December 25, 2018, China Iron and 7 investment institutions signed a total of 70.500 million yuan of market-oriented debt-equity swap cooperation agreement。中国铁物总经理廖家生表示,这标志着中国铁物将从扭亏脱困向谋求改革发展转段。


  China Iron Material signed market-oriented debt-to-equity swap cooperation agreements with 7 investment institutions 

  扎实推进能源节约与生态环境保护——2018年,中央企业万元产值综合能耗比“十二五”末下降10.7%, exceeding the "13th Five-Year Plan" target progress requirements。



  “作为林业行业的唯一央企,中林集团始终坚信,努力让更多的绿水青山变成金山银山,是一条帮助百姓增收致富的良好途径。"Zhonglin Group chairman Song Quanli said。



  Improve quality and efficiency, innovate and develop 




  On October 23, 2018, the world-famous Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was officially opened to traffic。这一超级工程在设计理念、建造技术、施工组织、管理模式等方面进行了一系列创新,被英国《2024欧洲杯投注》誉为“现代世界七大奇迹”之一。

  The history of the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is a typical history of independent innovation of state-owned enterprises。

  在近十年的建设期间,中交集团承建了70%以上的工程,攻克了世界上最长的海底沉管隧道、深海高精度碎石整平、深基槽高精度清淤等一批世界级难题。The construction of the Southern Power Grid, China Resources Group, China Railway and other major technological breakthroughs。

  In 2018, state-owned enterprises completed a large number of major innovation achievements。比如“鹊桥”中继星顺利进入使命轨道运行,AG600, a large amphibious aircraft, made its first flight on water,“天鲲号”重型自航绞吸船出港海试,参与制定的首个国际5G标准正式发布等。


  AG600, a large amphibious aircraft, made its first flight on water 

  "New" highlights appear frequently, "push Chen" dare to be the first。


  Benefit from this,2018年相关行业和企业的经济效益持续优化:钢铁行业利润增长超过30%,China Baowu posted a net profit of 33.8 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of more than 100%;Total cement industry profits hit a new record,Total profits at China Building Materials rose 21 per cent year-on-year,Conch cement profit reached 399.300 million yuan, nearly double the previous year。

  Another important task of the supply-side reform of the state-owned assets system is to promote the optimization and reorganization of enterprises。2018年,国务院国资委推动中核集团和中核建设集团、武汉邮科院和电信科研院实施重组,完成武警水电部队转隶移交。The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) promoted the reorganization of 36 groups of supervised first-level enterprises。

  Do not engage in "larang matching", the market to do "media", hand in hand successful enterprise benefits continue to improve。

  2016年,招商局与亏损中的中国外运长航重组,对物流、航运板块进行重组。In 2017, China Merchants achieved a total profit of 127.1 billion yuan, an increase of 14 percent year-on-year.3%。In 2018, the total profit reached 145 billion yuan, an increase of 14.1%, ranking first in the central enterprises。



  Pilot projects will be carried out first and key breakthroughs will be made 

  The reform of state-owned enterprises has continued to deepen, and the internal vitality and development impetus of micro entities have been effectively enhanced 

  在万华烟台工业园考察时,习近平总书记深刻地指出,“谁说国企搞不好?If you want to do well, you must reform, not cling to the shortcomings, reform can be successful, you can become a modern enterprise。”

  2018年,国务院国资委打好“改革牌”,不断增强企业的内生活力和发展动力。The "trump card" played should be the "Double hundred operation" carried out in August.。

  Xiao Yaqing, director of The State Council SOE Reform Leading Group Office and director of The State Council SASAC, said,Organize the "Double Hundred Action",We do not want to conduct another batch of individual pilot projects,It should be supported by the results of individual pilot projects in the early stage,We will comprehensively expand and apply reform policies and pilot programs,One enterprise one policy to develop a perfect plan,Carry out comprehensive reform。

  In order to let the pilot enterprises fully understand the significance of "double hundred action",Give better play to the leading role of demonstration enterprises,The Office of The State Council Leading Group for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises has held two special training courses,并在海康威视、万华集团、徐工集团分别召开了科技型、工业类、外向型“双百企业”现场交流会。

  Although the launch time is not long, the "double hundred action" has made obvious progress。

  In 2018, several other pilots promoted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council also achieved important breakthroughs。

  For example, trials of mergers and reorganizations of central enterprises and information disclosure have been fully completed。Ten central enterprises, including Aerospace Science and Technology and China Construction Group, were selected to create a world-class demonstration enterprise pilot。


  For example, 83 central enterprises have established a board of directors with a majority of outside directors。On this basis,The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued the Notice on Deepening the Pilot Work of Implementing the Functions and Powers of the Board of Directors of Central Enterprises,将中长期发展决策权、经理层成员业绩考核权、经理层成员薪酬管理权、职工工资分配管理权、重大财务事项管理权等授予5家试点企业董事会。


  2018年,中央企业积极利用股票市场、产权市场开展混合所有制改革,引入社会资本约1750亿元。当前商业一类央企混改比例已超过70%,央企四级及以下子企业超过85%实现了混改。The proportion of mixed-ownership enterprises under the supervision of SASAC at all levels in all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) has reached 45.9%。

  The introduction of capital is the means, and the transformation of the mechanism is the goal。


  In the third quarter of 2018, China Unicom's profit increased by 95 percent year-on-year.9%, asset-liability ratio from 62 before the mixed reform.6%降至42.7%, revenue growth from negative to positive。对此,中国联通党组书记、董事长王晓初表示,联通“混”的任务已顺利完成,“改”的工作将继续向纵深推进。

  Enterprises that have been mixed should be reformed, and those that have not mixed will not stop。


  How to stimulate grassroots vitality?This is Liu Mingzhong's first consideration after becoming chairman of China First Heavy。通过深入调研,他认为,“三项制度改革是激发企业发展活力和内生动力的关键。”


  Three institutional reforms are not the "patent" of State-owned enterprises and loss-making enterprises in Northeast China。



  To give enterprises more autonomy in three institutional reforms,The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council formulated and issued the Measures for the Administration of Total Wages in Central Enterprises,At the level of central enterprise groups, we will carry out trials of contractual management of managers and a professional manager system,We will deepen trials of employee stock ownership,Implementing equity incentive plans for listed companies and division of labor incentive plans for science and technology enterprises,Remarkable results have been achieved in promoting mechanism transformation and attracting and retaining talents。

  Combined with pipe, improve efficiency 

  We continued to improve institutions and mechanisms, and the systematic targeting and effectiveness of state-owned assets supervision continued to improve 




  State Investment Party Group secretary, chairman Wang Huisheng summed up,Since the pilot reform,Sdic's ability to serve national strategies has been comprehensively improved,Headquarters management is more effective,The web of supervision is becoming ever thicker,The development of the enterprise is full of vitality,Party building has been strengthened across the board,"The effect of the reform has been highly affirmed by the Central Deep Reform Office and the reform supervision team of The State Council.。”





  对此,肖亚庆提出,国资委放权给两类公司,也希望两类公司把权力下放给子企业。He also stressed that decentralization does not mean deregulation。


  On the one hand, IT supervision has taken important steps。按照习近平总书记关于“要以信息化推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”的要求,In 2018, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council initially established an online supervision system for state-owned assets and soes,对中央企业集团层面“三重一大”事项决策制度、规则、清单、程序实现在线监管,The work of investment, assessment and distribution has been dynamically monitored and displayed。Beijing, Shandong, Henan and other places are also actively building information supervision platforms。

  On the other hand, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council increased accountability for violations。2018年对7家中央企业集团负责人违规经营投资事项追责问责,严肃查处3家中央企业违规开展融资性贸易问题。组织督促36家中央企业认真整改经济责任审计反映的问题,挽回各类损失、节约开支近160亿元。

  Strong root solid soul, deep push 

  The quality of Party building work has been comprehensively improved, providing a strong political guarantee for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises 

  "To seek the elder of the tree, we must strengthen its root"。习近平总书记在全国国有企业党的建设工作会议上指出,坚持党的领导、加强党的建设,是我国国有企业的光荣传统,是国有企业的“根”和“魂”,是我国国有企业的独特优势。



  目前,Central enterprise groups have all fulfilled the requirements of party building into the constitution,The study and discussion of the Party organization is taken as the pre-procedure of the board of directors and managers to make decisions on major issues,建立规范董事会的中央企业集团总部实现党委(党组)书记、董事长“一肩挑”,党组织在企业改革发展中真正实现了把得了关、掌得了舵、说得上话、使得上劲。


  按照习近平总书记关于国有企业党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的重要论述,2018年,The Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council under the supervision and support of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Committee in the Commission,We will comprehensively strengthen discipline,Give full play to the role of patrol sword,We will push the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and central enterprises to achieve important strategic results in comprehensively exercising strict Party governance,Won an overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption。



  Proposed at the meeting,要按照“一年抓短板强弱项、两年抓巩固促提升、三年抓深化上水平”工作目标,把中央企业党的基层组织打造成为组织体系严密、党员队伍过硬、基本制度健全的坚强战斗堡垒,Provide a strong guarantee for cultivating world-class enterprises with global competitiveness。





  The year 2018 just passed was full of achievements;The year 2019 has come with many challenges。


  Face the future,国务院国资委和中央企业将更加紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Strengthen confidence and face up to difficulties,To work hard, forge ahead,We will vigorously promote the reform and development of state assets and state-owned enterprises and Party building,Successful completion of the annual target tasks,Strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises,We will welcome the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with new achievements in reform and development。(Liu Qingshan, State-owned Assets Report Reporter)

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