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Lihe Group launched the "Safety Production Month" and "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activities 2024-06-27

今年6Month is #23The whole countrySafe production month,Lihe Group以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入宣传贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述,以《2024欧洲杯投注》为重点,围绕Everyone is safe and everyone will be in emergency——Smooth passage of lifeActivity theme, carried outSafe production monthAnd "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activities。

On June 24 and 26, the special class of the Group led the security experts of the Municipal Emergency Bureau to go deep into the grass-roots line,Carry out the publicity campaign of "entering the door and sending home safety",Focus on the publicity of house rental safety management, flood control and fire desktop drill, "smooth passage of life" related science knowledge,Carry out safety hazard investigation and risk-aversion escape training for key places with dense personnel such as leasing formats, warehousing and logistics。In rehearsal,The staff first of all have basic knowledge about fire fighting,The importance of fire prevention,Proper use of fire extinguishers,The initial fire fighting methods, distance and self-protection measures, escape and self-rescue skills are explained in detail,The drill content highlights evacuation,Rescue and extinguish fire,Summary comments and other links,To achieve a clear division of labor,Set order,Work closely with project science involved in drills,The results are striking。At the same time, in the Kale supermarket to explain to the masses of daily life, household gas, electricity safety knowledge, guide the masses to carry out emergency evacuation drill, achieved better economic benefits and social effects。More than 1,000 copies of safety publicity materials "Safety Production Law" and "Lihe Group safety production training Manual" were distributed。

Through the "safety production Month" and "Safety publicity and Consultation Day" activities, we have solidly promoted the safety publicity work of "three Jin" and "Three send",Implemented the Group's three-year action work on production safety management,Promote the safety production month activities to the depths,Develop in depth,It has achieved the goal of preventing and resolving major risks, timely eliminating safety hazards, and effectively curbing production safety accidents,Enhance the emergency consciousness of employees, improve the safety quality of employees,We have improved our ability to prevent and mitigate disasters,Escort the group to achieve high-quality development。

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June 27, 2024

Group Security Department (announced)

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